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Sinus infections suck...

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  • Sinus infections suck...

    Been away for awhile with a plugged up head. No interest in smoking at all lately. After a month, it's almost over, but I just can't seem to get in the mood for sparking up again. I've even gone off coffee. My taste isn't back to normal, either. It's quite depressing!

  • #2
    I felt like that different circumstances was a bad hangover and smoked a lot of cigars the night before. You will smoke again mate. You just have to get back on that horse


    • #3
      Originally posted by larrysson View Post
      Been away for awhile with a plugged up head. No interest in smoking at all lately. After a month, it's almost over, but I just can't seem to get in the mood for sparking up again. I've even gone off coffee. My taste isn't back to normal, either. It's quite depressing!
      Yeah i know how you feel mate, i suffer with them from time to time and it takes a while for the sense of smell and taste to return fully.


      • #4
        Just give it time, the worst thing would be to wast a stick and make yourself feel worse for longer.... Cigars are a treat, not a chore.
        Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

        Originally posted by PeeJay
        I get longing looks from guys walking past

        Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
        A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


        • #5
          I suffer a lot with my sinuses, I spend a lot of time flying and it became a genuine terror because the pain was excruciating. I tried everything, Mucron, Sinutab, Beconase sparay, but it turns out they are designed for one or two doses and you can gate a backlash of congestion if you use them too much..... HOWEVER.... this is the answer for me; I thoght it sounded like hippy rubbish, but its just a mechanical cleaning that actually works. Ignore the yoga tag if that sort of thing doesn't suit you. This is just designed for flushing your sinuses and the salt solution helps with infections. It is brilliant.
          Last edited by Drewmidorn; 01-11-2013, 11:27 AM.


          • #6
            +1 for the nose buddy,after 3 courses of antibiotics and no joy,I found the neti pot,still use it now if bunged up,full of cold or been working in a dusty atmosphere,fantastic,sends headaches packing sharpish aswell

