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Mr.B Review : Jose L Piedra Brevas

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  • Mr.B Review : Jose L Piedra Brevas

    Jose L Piedra Brevas
    Gauge 42, Length 133mm

    You've probably seen me advocating the name 'Jose L Piedra' around UKCF, and that's for good reason. This isnt a cigar review, it's more of a brand review, but I will elaborate a bit on the Brevas cigar.

    Jose L Piedra is an inexpensive cigar line straight out of cuba. The best quote I can say for Piedra cigars is 'They're the Benson and Hedges of Cuba', thanks to my now-late cigar shopkeeper.

    Why do I like this brand so much? Well for one they're cheap. If they're that cheap surely they're a bit....well..poo? No, exactly the opposite actually.

    'A good workhorse cigar.'

    Piedra smokes are so random; Definately very mixed smoking experiences each and every time. I've had Creams,Bacon (no kidding), 'That cuban taste', peppers, coffees, everything under the sun, really. They are VERY well behaved in my experience. Construction is normally superb, which results in EVEN burn all the way to the end, with no assistance whatsoever. For ?1 a stick, it's a great experience.

    I dont feel guilty or tentative with my Piedras, I can buy a bunch, and hand them out to friends, or smoke one on the off without thinking 'oooh that was a waste of a good cigar on a non special occassion'. Normally about 45 mins to an hour depending on how you smoke. Draw is easy, and you get massive smoke plumes, they're great fun to smoke; A good workhorse cigar.

    If you have a massive humi or lots of space, get some of these. Just keep them for your mates, and those times you dont feel like dipping into your collection. ?1 a stick, cuban cigar, good smoke. Seriously, they're great. Don't feel funny for buying a cheap brand, I'd rather get some of these for random occassions, giving to friends and the occasional bomb or present. Would you splash out on a box of Siglo II's, give some to friends and watch them butcher them? At least with Piedra, you are insured in that department

    Overall: 6-8 : Yep thats a 6-thru-to-8 rating. That's because every Piedra is different. Multitude of flavors, behavior, construction, draw, smoke, everything. Somedays you get some great ones, others you get some OK ones, but far from bad. I've yet to have a shitty Piedra. Which is why i'll continue to be dedicated to this brand as they offer great value for money, and quality, which is rare these days.

  • #2
    Deano dished a few of these out at a past herf and I liked them, most of the others on the table were not so keen, like you say a good workhorse smoke


    • #3
      An open and honest reflection there Mr. B as too often there can be "a stuck up your own ar5e" attitude to some of the cheaper smokes in the world. Nice one mate
      "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


      • #4
        I think they make a great "grab a smoke" for driving, doing the accounts, having with a cuppa etc. They'll never be a Siglo VI, a D4 or a Cuaba Distinguidos but then again they're not a villigier or a castella eaither..... Eating the great restaurants doesn't mean I don't love a Macdonalds too.


        • #5
          Just took delivery of a few of these yesterday, going to let them rest for a few days, a week maybe before trying one. Will be interesting as it will be one of the first 'cheaper cubans' I have had in a long long time. From the review that MB wrote they do seem good value for money.
          "Come in here, dear Boy, have a cigar" ....Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)


          • #6
            Apparently, if you can set a box or so aside for a couple of years and age them, they return the favour no end
            Last edited by cj121; 09-08-2009, 07:06 AM. Reason: typo
            "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


            • #7
              I've had one Peidra Breva and really didn't think much of it because the draw was so poor. Spoilt it for me.


              • #8
                I bought 25 of these a few months back and as Mr B says, they do vary a lot.
                Some of them had such a bad draw I couldn't smoke them.
                At best they were OK.
                You get what you pay for I suppose, so for the money, they aren't too bad.



                • #9
                  They are what they are - a good cheap Cuban.

                  There are not many cigars you can get in a bundle of 25 for 30 euros and would go back to time and again...

                  I've always got some Piedra's in the humi for those times as Drew says or for when your (non cigar-smoking) mates come round and want to try something...!?!

                  Cheers, HabanoSy


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by HabanoSy View Post
                    They are what they are - a good cheap Cuban.

                    There are not many cigars you can get in a bundle of 25 for 30 euros and would go back to time and again...

                    I've always got some Piedra's in the humi for those times as Drew says or for when your (non cigar-smoking) mates come round and want to try something...!?!

                    Cheers, HabanoSy
                    lol yep, gave 3 out on friday, usual cigar mate enjoyed it as usual, other 2's first time and they got half way n left em. imagine if they were d4's


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by misterbulgarin View Post
                      usual cigar mate enjoyed it as usual, other 2's first time and they got half way n left em. imagine if they were d4's

                      Cheers, HabanoSy


                      • #12
                        Nice review, Mr. B!!! I can surely see the reasoning for having these around. I have been tempted to order some for those reasons you have mentioned, but I think I will for sure now.


                        • #13
                          Major Bump,

                          Gonna order some more of these, but thinking of trying another vitola. Has anyone tried the other sizes? Thoughts?


                          • #14
                            I smoke the Petit Cazadores' at work or on the way there (when I'm not on my m/c). Highly recommended for a quick, cheap and tasty hit


                            • #15
                              Good write-up Mr B as you say good value everyday smoke.

                              I have not tried the Brevas yet but am a big fan of the Cazadores. I have both Cazadores and Petit Cazadores in the Humi and prefer the Cazadores.


