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Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2

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  • Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2

    This was my first cuban but I did my best to temper my excitement and pretend like I was smoking an unknown cigar.

    The pre-light nose was barnyard-ish and the foot smelled a little sweet. I tried a new-to-me lighting technique whereby the toast and light are done before the cigar is clipped. This put off a wonderfully sweet smell of sweetness (honey?) and tobacco. The smell was so great that my smoking buddy walked around the side of the house into the back yard and instantly stopped and said "that smells amazing!".

    The first few draws were fantastic. It was sweet and light and from the word "go" the cigar put off a lot of smoke (which I really liked!). There was also what I can only assume is that fabled "cuban twang". It hit me in the back of the mouth (almost where citric acid does) and isn't anything I'd ever tasted in a cigar before. The cigar maintained flavors of honey and baked bread for the first third.
    In the second third there was a a little bit of sweet, twangy tobacco, and a salty taste and the cigar became a tad bitter just before the final third ... but it wasn't too off-putting. It was noticeably less sweet at this point too.
    The final third digressed into bitterness but I nubbed it anyway. It was bitter but strangely bitter in that I wasn't completely put off by it until the very death of it.

    The construction was fine. It wasn't soft but wasn't terribly firm. No real blemishes to speak of either. I had a few burn issues, in that i had to touch up a few times, but otherwise the cigar burned well. The ash was a medium grey and flaky.

    From everything I've read the gradual turn to bitterness indicates that it's a young cuban and so i'm looking forward to revisiting this stick after another six months or so in the humidor.
    "Beware, o wanderer, the road is walking too." - Rilke

  • #2
    got a hoyo in my tuppa thats number two on the to smoke me into wanting it now. thanks buddy..nice review!


    • #3
      They aren't to my current tastes but your review really sells them well!


      • #4
        Yes i like this review too... I too have experienced the slight saltiness and tempered bitterness towards the end of this stick, but like you said, not enough to spoil the smoke. One extra thing i found with this cigar, was a sense of flowers, you know like a spring floral flavour, thats what i put down to the odd sensation you referred to at the back of your throat. Im not entirely sure if thats the 'cuban effect' that others think of.

        Great job, thanks


        • #5
          nice review, keep meaning to try one of these, gonna have to pick one up this week I think


          • #6
            I'm loving my epicure No 2s, a bit too much. They have a great construction and i can smoke them fairly fast without any burn issues. Might have to get another cab when funds permit.


            • #7
              Thanks for contributing so early on! Top marks!


              • #8
                Thanks for the review. One of my personal favorite cigars. If young they can be a bot bitter towards the end. Any Epi a year old loses that bitterness.


                • #9
                  A very tantalising review!


                  • #10
                    A very good choice for your first Havana The aroma is worthy of mention. I have only had a few non-smokers comment, whilst I have smoked the wide range of Havanas & everytime someone commented to me 'that's a lovely smell' did so when I was smoking a Hoyo Epi No2.
                    Now you're started sure you'll go on to explore more but I always keep a couple of cabs of these. One smoking the other aging; these actually keep improving up to 5yrs+.
                    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                    • #11
                      Nice review...

                      Always try and have a few of these in the humi...

                      Cheers, HabanoSy


                      • #12
                        Good review, I enjoyed this when I smoked it. Just right for a summers eve.

                        And Jobjob you smoke these way tooooooo fast buddy.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pandyboy View Post
                          Good review, I enjoyed this when I smoked it. Just right for a summers eve.

                          And Jobjob you smoke these way tooooooo fast buddy.
                          Thanks for the smoking technique advice Pandy.

                          Pot calling kettle, colour check over.


                          • #14
                            AH you've gotta love the epi 2 when they're good they're great.
                            I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


                            • #15
                              Glad you guys liked the review. I'm really looking forward to the salt and bitter disappearing after this stick's mate has a little more time in the humi. If the entire next stick tastes like the first third of this one then I'll be in heaven.
                              "Beware, o wanderer, the road is walking too." - Rilke

