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Surrey Cigars Xmas Herf - 2nd December 2023

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  • Surrey Cigars Xmas Herf - 2nd December 2023

    Now we’re finally hitting Autumn, it’s not long until Christmas. PeeJay and I were taking about a get together and I’ve checked with James at Surrey Cigars - he would be delighted to have a group at his lounge in Guildford on the 2nd December.

    If you can make it, let us know on here! James is very hospitable, I’m sure there will be something for everyone in his humidor and he’s not concerned about bringing your own, particularly if there’s something he might like to sample with us!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • #2
    Sounds a great idea, I’ve pencilled it in….will see if the wife will allow it….


    • #3
      Count me in.


      • #4
        Usually I’m there first thing but the wife is working so I’m in kid duty until she’s back. Hopefully be there between 2 and 3!

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        • #5
          In the diary.

          Sent from my SM-S911B using Tapatalk


          • #6
            Put me down! I will make it along!

            +1 from me, Paul can make it along too!


            • #7
              I'd really like to attend this, but I'm in Birmingham that weekend. I'm actually possibly attending the Surrey Cigars event later in the week on the 7th Dec. Just trying to work out how to get there and back. Anyone else going to that?


              • #8
                Are we still on for tomorrow? I will try to make it but having a bit of a nightmare with the flat I am due to move into in 10 days time.

                Sent from my SM-S911B using Tapatalk


                • #9
                  Originally posted by moteyi View Post
                  Are we still on for tomorrow? I will try to make it but having a bit of a nightmare with the flat I am due to move into in 10 days time.

                  Sent from my SM-S911B using Tapatalk
                  We are, hope to see you there
                  'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                  • #10
                    Great to see @Tomm783, @Cigarkid and moteyi at Surrey Cigars yesterday. A good pre-Christmas Herf at somewhere which more members should 'discover'. Some first class Xmas cigars swapped (thanks). Intererestingly, we were joined in the lounge later by a group of 6-8 twenty-something lads who it was good to learn had got into cigars recently and meet there regularly; however, truth be told, eyebrows were raised a bit on learning that they had first tried cigars following the example of one Andrew Tate... A somewhat diffrerent herfing role model, I'd suggest, from Arnie, Churchill and even Jack N.


                    • #11
                      John - don't know what happened - I had you on as PeeJay with you logo and the name disapperaed on posting!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by grumpybaldy View Post
                        Great to see @Tomm783, @Cigarkid and moteyi at Surrey Cigars yesterday. A good pre-Christmas Herf at somewhere which more members should 'discover'. Some first class Xmas cigars swapped (thanks). Intererestingly, we were joined in the lounge later by a group of 6-8 twenty-something lads who it was good to learn had got into cigars recently and meet there regularly; however, truth be told, eyebrows were raised a bit on learning that they had first tried cigars following the example of one Andrew Tate... A somewhat different herfing role model, I'd suggest, from Arnie, Churchill and even Jack N.
                        Glad to hear a good time was had, strange to hear of Andrew Tate inspiring anything legit.
                        Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.

