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Christmas HERF 2014

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  • #31
    Bloody tab crashed so I posted twice....


    • #32
      Like most a maybe for both days we all know Xmas can be a bit up in the air but great time for a well deserved herf.
      Maybe we should arrange a Cambridge HERF in the new year aswell.


      • #33
        Now that sounds like a plan


        • #34
          Originally posted by snooky View Post
          Like most a maybe for both days we all know Xmas can be a bit up in the air but great time for a well deserved herf.
          Maybe we should arrange a Cambridge HERF in the new year aswell.


          • #35
            So, how about we meet at JJs in the morning for a smoke, adjourn somewhere cheap and cheerful for lunch then reconvene at Robert's for the afternoon shift?
            'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


            • #36
              I'd imagine I'll be calling into work in the AM but will head up and catch up for an afternoon / evening


              • #37
                Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                So, how about we meet at JJs in the morning for a smoke, adjourn somewhere cheap and cheerful for lunch then reconvene at Robert's for the afternoon shift?
                The addition of the word shift in that plan makes me session sounds much nicer.


                • #38
                  This has just gone tits up for me as it's now been arranged that I have to take my staff out on there Xmas do

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke

                  Groucho Marx


                  • #39
                    1 Peejay
                    2 JoeyGunz (maybe)
                    3 Sheppsea (maybe)
                    4 MarkLondon (maybe)
                    5 Chanceschmerr (maybe)
                    6 RCH
                    7 Mr Maduro
                    8 Tucky

                    I'm in gents! Look forward to it!

                    Sent from Tapa Tapa land
                    Originally posted by Wigan
                    Holy crap, Your Dale Askew?
                    ''My religion prescribed as an absolute sacred ritual smoking cigars and drinking alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and the intervals between them.''
                    Sir Winston Churchill


                    • #40
                      1 Peejay
                      2 JoeyGunz (maybe)
                      3 Sheppsea (maybe)
                      4 MarkLondon (maybe)
                      5 Chanceschmerr (maybe)
                      6 RCH
                      7 Mr Maduro
                      8 Tucky
                      9 C10cko
                      10 Judders
                      'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                        1 Peejay
                        2 JoeyGunz (maybe)
                        3 Sheppsea (maybe)
                        4 MarkLondon (maybe)
                        5 Chanceschmerr (maybe)
                        6 RCH
                        7 Mr Maduro
                        8 Tucky
                        9 C10cko
                        10 Judders
                        Now that's what I call service, I didn't even have to type the response myself. Looking forward to it!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by judders View Post
                          Now that's what I call service, I didn't even have to type the response myself. Looking forward to it!
                          I've been talking to your social secretary aka Craig
                          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                          • #43
                            How do you guys fancy a blind tasting for the afternoon session?

                            Sent from Tapa Tapa land
                            Originally posted by Wigan
                            Holy crap, Your Dale Askew?
                            ''My religion prescribed as an absolute sacred ritual smoking cigars and drinking alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and the intervals between them.''
                            Sir Winston Churchill


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by MrMaduro View Post
                              How do you guys fancy a blind tasting for the afternoon session?

                              Sent from Tapa Tapa land
                              Unfortunately if we go to a cigar shop we have to buy a cigar to smoke there so unless you want to arrange it with Robert its a great idea but a non-starter.
                              'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                              • #45
                                As long as its a CC I'm up for a blind tasting

