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My story

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  • #46
    Look forward to it dude.


    • #47
      Hey everyone due to having so many visitors today,I've not had a chance to start on part 4,and will make a start tomorrow.

      Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


      • #48
        Originally posted by dude View Post
        Hey everyone due to having so many visitors today,I've not had a chance to start on part 4,and will make a start tomorrow.
        Its nice to have visitors, is the treatment going well?
        'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


        • #49
          Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
          Its nice to have visitors, is the treatment going well?
          Ha ha yes ,my house is always full,I'm sure its my coffee that keeps everyone coming back[emoji23] [emoji23] peace now[emoji106]

          Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


          • #50
            Originally posted by dude View Post
            My story part 3

            After Learning just how many different types of cigars there were and looking at prices,I could not believe just how much they can be,but I knew that I was hooked,so I visited a cigar shop in an area that was not Cheap including the cigars,but thought well I need to start somewhere,when I walked into there walk in humidor I was in heaven and spent a good few hrs just looking at everyone in amazement,the man who run the shop was really nice and answered all and everyone of my questions,with a slight I ended up buying (A just 1 Cigar for nearly ?30
            I cannot even remember what it was and only that it was very spicey, it was so good and lasted me 40 mins,problem was now the hand made king Edwards did not taste so good,so I thought time to start saving and buying all diffent types of handmades,and over time I had a reasonable collection,until another problem.....oh no humidor is too small[emoji3] ...panic set in so I removed all the machine mades , that I came to hate after my spicy costly cigar and replaced them for the hand mades I'd collected,problem being I collected and collected untill I was in a complete meltdown after I priced up just how much money I'd spent in total,and had no space anywhere,...back to humidors yet again...while on the hunt I had read an internet post on winedors a wine cooler for cigars....instantly I hunted the web in search not realising what or how I will go about setting it up.after a few days I found one for sale in London for ?100 as it was broken and listed as faulty and that the cooler is still sold for just over ?3000,[emoji16] so I bought it and off I went to some amazing big house with my partner to collect it,the poor guy was gutted as he had wine bottles everywhere and I bet they was not Cheap..he told me that he did try to have it fixed but it will cost more than what he wanted to pay and that it may never work,and do I really want it.....of course I said ,I will take the chance as I can hold my hand to most things due to being stubborn and patient, either that or it will be a garden ornament[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]
            So home I went ,plugged it in and yep nothing,I checked fuse and still nothing,
            Shit ,now my room is looking like an oflflicence,..I went to bed as I had work in the morning, so the following day at work I kept thinking g when home I'm stripping it to its she'll,lunchtime came and I sat outside with a coffee looking on my phone at the company who made it, I'll send them an email...and they was so unhelpfully and told me that they can only send someone out to repair it as the unit is setup from factory...gutted I said forget it...days passed and I emailed them again and again...asking is there settings on the control panel....yes they said but you can't have them as there only for engineers and too technical......of course I was so annoyed as there's no way I'm paying an for days and days on end I bombarded them with emails...that finaly they had had enough of me[emoji23] [emoji23] ...I got the engineers setting for the programmer emailed to me[emoji3]and a rather horrible message...
            So after work I got home so late,I went straight to the unit and started messing with settings and things...for probably 4 hrs..still I tried one last time...and boom it fired up...I was so happy I started dancing around my office..I now have a very expensive unit for ?100 that just needed the settings played with [emoji106] ...I did not sleep and tampered untill I left for work in the morning....

            To be continued

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            My story part 4

            Morning came,and off to work I went so happy that I'd got the unit running, but I remember the day just dragged as I just wanted to get back home and carry on messing with the settings as there are so many and I needed to no what they do, crazy as the emailed document only gave me the Numbers the different settings needed to be on,and not what there for,so finally work ended and I yet again started playing,I played and played for days on end not knowing what Was what ,it was just alot of jotting down what temp it cooled and what temp it stopped cooling,Its funny because I remember explain to my partner to jot down the different times and numbers on the display panel while I was working everyday,and she calling me telling me she is confused and had enough of it[emoji23] truth is I was too,but when I'm focused I don't quit, finaly I was getting somewhere and it cooled when it hit 18c.
            So I measured up and made a few boxes over days for the shelves and fitted them inside and loaded them with my collection, my happiness was short lived as I looked on the web on how to calibrate a hygrometer with the salt test,So away I went loading the hygrometer in a food tub with salt and little water in a milk lid,it was so annoying as once I removed it to adjust it the outside humidity just changed the needle and it took forever,finally I put it in with my collection,untill boom another problem[emoji20] the cooler was cooling right down to 12c which in turn was makeing the humidity so bad and I could not get the unit to change no matter how many setting I adjusted, so back into the desktop humidor my cigars went,and for days I just read and juploadfromtaptalk1440755166345.JPGuploadfromtaptalk1440755186350.JPGot down notes,and discovered that a digital hygrometer would be better and that something called a E.T.C unit could control the cooler more accurate and be set for when I want it to turn off and on and hence controlling the temperature.
            I done no more but ordered both not having a clue if I could do this but gave it a shot.....finaly they arrived [emoji3] exept one major problem,the wiring instructions were in Chinese [emoji23]
            I very nearly gave up,and had a day away from it, until many hours searching the web yet again I found a diagram in English,so I did no more but went and grabbed my tools and set about connecting the E.T.C...done..and then connected the humidity control unit..done..
            I was over the moon as now I'd got the unit to cool as it hit 20c and switch off at 19c...I then set about making a box to house the units,UN wired them refitted them, nice and neat....untill another problem ahhhhh the humidity was so high on the controller and I did not no where or what to do messed again for days with the cooler settings..
            And bam I'd sussed it,I now new what some of the settings did and between the E.T.C and the winedor I'd got the humidity at 60..but as your all aware I needed it at least 68-70...
            Again I came to a standstill for a few days,and read that to stabilize the humidity I can use special beads but they were not then see that people have used kitty litter [emoji23] the cheap one that's basically sylica and gives of humidity and holds it I got a bag and an old stocking of my neighbour,,the look she gave me was strange[emoji23] of course I told her I'm not robbing a bank its for my cigars,she was not interested in the slightest..I filled a stocking with beads and tied the end layed that in the bottom of my winedor and gave it a few squirts with distilled water and closed the door,later that day I danced around the room again,my humidity was 68[emoji3] I then thought that if I add a fan then it will help to circulate the air inside,which takes us to part 5 of my story[emoji16]

            To be continueduploadfromtaptalk1440754805062.jpguploadfromtaptalk1440754974049.jpg

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            • #51
              Very good, but personally I would remove the Cobalt Chloride from that cat litter. Perhaps I'm over cautious but it is pretty toxic stuff.
              Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

              Originally posted by PeeJay
              I get longing looks from guys walking past

              Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
              A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


              • #52
                Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View Post
                Very good, but personally I would remove the Cobalt Chloride from that cat litter. Perhaps I'm over cautious but it is pretty toxic stuff.
                Thanks for letting me no,I did read up on it and could not find anything bad about it,but your probably right and it won't take 5 mins to remove,save than sorry..thanks buddy[emoji106]

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                • #53
                  I don't want to be accused of fear mongering but it was in the very first batch of chemicals put on the Substances Of Very High Concern list by the European Chemicals Agency (ECH) along with Arsenic Pentoxide, Arsenic Trioxide and Lead Hydrogen Arsonate.

                  But then...... We are smoking. Lol
                  Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

                  Originally posted by PeeJay
                  I get longing looks from guys walking past

                  Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
                  A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View Post
                    I don't want to be accused of fear mongering but it was in the very first batch of chemicals put on the Substances Of Very High Concern list by the European Chemicals Agency (ECH) along with Arsenic Pentoxide, Arsenic Trioxide and Lead Hydrogen Arsonate.

                    But then...... We are smoking. Lol
                    Ha ha yeah we are smoking,but still I appreciate that,I think I will now remove them,I've had no problems, and for five mins work,I think will be better to be safer...[emoji3]

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                    • #55
                      Good stuff dude. Keep it coming pal.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Johnny Thunder View Post
                        Good stuff dude. Keep it coming pal.
                        Thanks Johnny thunder,I hope to have part 5 done today,just for some reason I'm having problems with uploading pictures..I'll try again soon[emoji106]

                        Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


                        • #57
                          Will this be serialised in the Express or Daily Mail?

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          • #58
                            I can feel a book coming on![emoji12]

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Livin' the pipe dream.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Budgie Smuggler View Post
                              Will this be serialised in the Express or Daily Mail?
                              Unless he gets a proof reader the Star
                              'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                              • #60
                                Keep them stories coming dude, they are getting intresting.

