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Around The World in 80 Cigars

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  • Originally posted by grumpybaldy View Post
    Package arrived today. Somehow I managed to order and pay for a second copy by accident! However, my eldest son's birthday is in a couple of weeks so I've inadvertently (cleverly?) got a present for him too!

    Have dipped into it and looking forward to settling down with it and with a good cigar, although it did occur to me that one should really select the cigar (or nearest to it) that is the signature one for each chapter y/n?
    I wish everyone was as 'careless' as you, Grumpy! Thanks again.


    • Cheers all, keep em coming. I spent many lonely, cold, rainy winter months in my little office (read, 'shed') writing this, so hearing your happy reports of receiving on a sunny day is a tonic...


      • Originally posted by Monty Cristo View Post
        You beauty!
        I ordered mine early - but no gift or signing [emoji20]

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        • Arrived today, cheers look forward reading at leisure with a good cigar

          Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk


          • [QUOTE=Vitola;423488]I ordered mine early - but no gift or signing [emoji20]

            Happy to sign it at your convenience, Sir. And I?m sure I can sort you out something to go with it.


            • my copy arrived over the weekend. Very much looking forward to delving in while smoking something nice and maybe a wee warmer of a drink if the weather stays as it is!


              • [MENTION=13371408]Monty Cristo[/MENTION] all arrived and thankyou for the gift I shall look forward to diving into it!
                "Dear heart, you're talking to a man- a real man- who drinks straight Tequilla, with lime and salt on the rim, and smokes cigars" (J Zavala)


                • Thank you for all your kind messages. Back at home at last after a crazy couple of weeks post launch. I'm thoroughly knackered, but delighted by the initial response. As ever, cigar folk have been immensely generous and kind and early indications from elsewhere are that people are enjoying the book, its look and the writing. Was in Dortmund over the weekend and have some incredibly interesting follow ups to make re international distribution in a host of countries worldwide. Very humbling. A consignment is being packed for Dubai as we speak. I hope all pre-orders have been fulfilled and that you were glad to get the wee cutter - you're luckier than I, there weren't enough to go round for the author to have one! Thanks again for all your messages and support, and if you enjoy the book, please spread the word however you can; word of mouth, online, Amazon, cigar websites and forums etc. These days it's all about the noise. Long Ashes to you and yours.


                  • C.Gars Norfolk - Evening of Nov 6

                    I will be visiting C.Gars Ltd's Norfolk stronghold in November and will be signing books while there. If you are in the area, do drop by. I'm informed that the illustrious Mr Orchant will also be attending, so it should be a fun night. You'll need a ticket for legal reasons - find them here. Come and say hello and grab a copy.


                    • Sat down to read another couple of chapters only to get a rather strong sense of deja vu! Much as I enjoyed pages 39 to 54 I'd actually prefer to have pages 55 to 70! [MENTION=13371408]Monty Cristo[/MENTION] any chance of sending me the missing pages?

                      Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk


                      • Originally posted by moteyi View Post
                        Sat down to read another couple of chapters only to get a rather strong sense of deja vu! Much as I enjoyed pages 39 to 54 I'd actually prefer to have pages 55 to 70! @Monty Cristo any chance of sending me the missing pages?

                        Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
                        Whaaaaaat?! Are you serious? OMG, first I’ve heard of this. Save that book, I need to see it. Please mail me, nick at nick dash Hammond dot com and I’ll sort you a new book. So sorry Motey.


                        • Originally posted by Monty Cristo View Post
                          Whaaaaaat?! Are you serious? OMG, first I’ve heard of this. Save that book, I need to see it. Please mail me, nick at nick dash Hammond dot com and I’ll sort you a new book. So sorry Motey.
                          Let's hope it was a one off mistake but perhaps members should check their copies, just in case.
                          Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                          • Checked mine quickly seems fine....


                            • Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
                              Let's hope it was a one off mistake but perhaps members should check their copies, just in case.
                              Many hundreds have been read and this is the first I've heard of it. As you say, let's hope it's a printer's quirk and a one-off. Odd in the extreme.


                              • Mine is absolutely fine

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

