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Minis and Cigarillos?

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  • Minis and Cigarillos?

    Over the last couple of months I have got myself into the habit of smoking more and more in the car. I think it started when I moved and had a slightly longer journey to work than I had before. Anyway, I am trying to avoid smoking anything too expensive or large and got to thinking about Minis and Cigarillos.
    Having never tried any of them in the past I was just wondering if anyone smokes any on a regular basis that they could recommend? Cuban or otherwise? Are there any decent ones out there that don't taste too terrible?

    Any suggestions gratefully received.


  • #2
    I have a pack of Cohiba minis on the go at the moment and they are OK for a quiet 10 minutes of contemplation.

    I have tried Punch minis in the past but prefer the Cohiba's.

    They won't ever replace a full cigar for me though.


    • #3
      Hi Jacobwaits,

      Cohiba Clubs are a great small smoke - full of dense earthy flavours. Also, Monte Puritas are worth a try - not so rich as the Club, but you definitely know you're smoking something half-decent.



      • #4
        Partagas Chicos aren't too bad with a bit of age, but I'd rather not smoke a cigar if I don't have the time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by daverave999 View Post
          I'd rather not smoke a cigar if I don't have the time.
          Have to agree Im afraid...!!!

          Cheers, HabanoSy


          • #6
            i suppose it depends on the length of your journey.

            it takes me just under 40 mins to drive home in the evening and i usually smoke a rafael gonzalez panatella or a fonseca cadet - takes around 30 mins and with some nice lounge music playing i actually enjoy the commute !


            • #7
              I'd love to find a mini that I can enjoy while driving too. I've tried the Monte, RyJ and Cohiba, and no matter how hard I try to like them they always end up tasting of nothing but 'burnt' to me. Just too small.

              I smoked my way through a box ERDM Demi Tasse which was a very enjoyable small smoke so maybe try that. I also hope to try the Hoyo de Monterrey leHoyo du Maire to compare. These size smokes are ideal for making unwanted car journeys quite enjoyable I find.


              • #8
                The Partagas mini is pretty good. And handy because they're in a tin and OK left in the glovebox.

                ErDM Demi's are great, a fair bit better than the Du Marie IMO. But, if want something just a bit bigger, Punch Margaritas are very good, and if you can find them, so are RA Ramonitas and slightly stronger flavoured.
                If you want to, you can.
                And, if you can, you must!


                • #9
                  I have to say, I havent tried any, but im not sure they would appeal to me! I like to smoke knowing I have a good hour or two to just completely enjoy and relax. Not have to worry about speed or driving or what to cook for dinner. I think I will give some a try eventually, but I dont think I could get the same enjoyment from them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                    ErDM Demi's are great, a fair bit better than the Du Marie IMO.
                    …much better than the H. du Maire (Mayor) IMO…
                    In the same size the RyJ Petit Julieta is an other good choice.


                    • #11
                      Hi Jacob,

                      I'm finally the one giving you advice after all the help and suggestions you've made to me!

                      I do smoke cigarillos on a regular basis, I'm starting to keep my cigars in a humi now to age them rather than smoke as I go.

                      I started off with Cafe Creme Blue (non-Cuban), for the price they taste ok but nothing special. I have the Cohiba Minis on a regular basis, you can buy them for around ?6 or ?7 in most Waitrose stores, that is for 10 sticks. They are lovely imo, I like to have a smoke in the car on the way to university as I have to drive a fair distance and traffic is horrendous. Give the Cohiba Minis a whirl, they won't replace a normal cigar but for a car journey, quick smoke (about 8 - 15 minutes), they are great.



                      • #12
                        Don't worry about the puristas!

                        All the top branded minis are good for a short smoke in the this instance I'd go with Tippex & Smallclub for something infinitely better...

                        BTW..We've all smoked a "big 'un" that's been really in a short scenario...smoke what YOU like, the minis are reliable.............IMHO.


                        • #13
                          Only trouble with a smoking a better Cuban in the car is that your concentration is really elsewhere. Also even a small demi tass starts at around ?4 per.

                          This isn't a Cuban, but it is a cigar I've reviewed, enjoy and might be just the thing to smoke and keep in the car.

                          If you want to, you can.
                          And, if you can, you must!


                          • #14
                            Thanks guys, going to spend a bit of money now and try a few of your suggestions.


                            • #15
                              When your next in tesco or similar supermarket pick up a pack of cafe creme (Blue). Their unbelivably cheap and some are real crap but i actually liked the cafe creme blues Very nice flavour. Keep away from the aromatic thought never had a cigar as shit as themhardly any flavour and whats their is .

