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How did you get into cigars

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  • #31
    It's a long story, but I will try to make it a short one. The first influence on me - and a couple of friends who have since taken the leaf - is The Chap magazine. Yes, I know it is a curious reason. For any of you who have not picked up a copy, the magazine seems to be a playful, perhaps satirical reflection on Britain's halcyon days of culture, when men wore good jumpers, and smoked pipes and other unadulterated leaf.

    I took a look at a couple of the editions, and went to the local tobacconist. I first of all bought a pipe, and - remember, I had never smoked proper before - some Dunhill 965. The smell made me wretch, and it was a problem trying to cover up the fumes from my family -- who still to this day do not know I have ever taken the leaf.

    From then on, I had a love for the look of cigars, the look of the people smoking them, and the smell. I bought a pack of Cafe Cremes, and liked them. The rest is history. I have gone from cigarillos to Cubans, back to European Dannemans and over to Dominicans. I smoke once or twice a week - and will stop writing here. It is bad being a cigar exile, especially with the immediate family in close reach!


    • #32
      Delta dont hide it, the lure of the leaf , the mellow and magnificence of the Maduro is stronger than all of us,its time to tell them and come out of the closset. Best wishes.


      • #33
        What would be your family's reaction if they found out, Delt?


        • #34
          My Dad when I was a child smoked CC and thought it would be cute so he gave me a machine made to keep in my yap. Ah father and son both with stoogies in mouth.
          The reaction that we got !
          In 1992 I started collecting and really enjoying the leaf for all its differant flavor profiles. Now that I have hooked up with U Mates I am learning more about CC.
          The 1st thing I have learned is a cigar doesn't have to be large ring guage to be
          enjoyable. My BOTL here in America can't understand how I can now enjoy as they say (pencils) For this I thank all From across the big Pond!


          • #35
            It's the same with a lot of my mates, to be perfectly honest. It breaks the convention - the whole taking the leaf thing. They wouldn't be *tooo* impressed! I mean, really they wouldn't. But that makes cigar exile more of an adventure. A good pal of mine is in exactly the same situation - we were in fact talking about it last night over a drink. His people don't know - so he has a collection of mild smokes for the evening, just before going home -- and a collection of stronger smokes for the daytime if we are ever on a day out.

            Not to mention those blessed days after the summer examinations, when we were both sitting outside my humble abode at university, having a proper smoke -- with not a concerned eye in sight!

            Best, Delta

            Originally posted by Robusto View Post
            What would be your family's reaction if they found out, Delt?

