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Haitian tobacco.

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  • Haitian tobacco.

    We are all aware of the sorrowful events happening in Haiti at the moment. However, at some point the country, it's infrastructure, industry and agriculture will need to be rebuilt. The USA, given it's proximity and the amount of aid already given and pledged by President Obama will undoubtedly take a leading role.

    Haiti is bordered by Dominica and just some 60 sea miles from Cuba, so it is well within the premium tobacco growing region of the Caribbean. Although it will take time it is not inconceivable that with the right help and financial backing Haiti could become a significant tobacco and possibly cigar producing nation.

    Tobacco was grown in Haiti even before it was grown in Cuba. And is still a cash crop, but where it goes or what it goes into I've no idea. There is no real hand-rolling tradition in Haiti, there is however one Haitian brand ? Yaquiba. (What the quality is like perhaps our American BOTL may know).

    What I guess I'm saying is that although the people of Haiti's plight looks grim and helpless today maybe something good may come out of it for their future. And that in five or six years time, and in cigar terms; 'They'll be a new kid on the block'.
    If you want to, you can.
    And, if you can, you must!

  • #2
    I had similar thoughts when I started reading news of the disaster and spoke to a medic friend who has worked in humanitarian projects on the island before.

    His thoughts were that Haiti is so poor and in dire need of food so that tobacco and any other cash crops simply isn't high on the agenda. On top of that apparently the ground has been so overused in the past that there would be need for serious work to grow anything in decent amount, be it vegetables, fruits or cash crops.
    My Cigar blog: Cigar Review Rag


    • #3
      There's also the corruption factor....

      I was reading in one of the broadsheets that 600 people in Haiti are worth over $30m each. And every one them has been either a politico, a realtion of a politico or a high ranking army officer.

      That's the cancer of Haiti. They should take these people out and just shoot them as they are a cancer on the society.
      No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
      No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

      CS Parnell


      • #4
        That's the cancer of Haiti. They should take these people out and just shoot them as they are a cancer on the society.[/QUOTE]

        Whilst I doubt they'll be shot .... I don't think the current regime will be picking up any reigns once the humanitarian work is complete.
        If you want to, you can.
        And, if you can, you must!

