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Lighting technique and subsequent cigar behavior

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  • Lighting technique and subsequent cigar behavior

    I feel like smoking cigars is always a learning curve, you can never quite learn a certain method and have it be the perfect outcome. The last few months i've been exclusively using my turbo flame lighter.

    My method of lighting is to ignite the flame, then hold the cigar vertically over the flame about 3-2 inches away from the flame, I watch the foot of the cigar ember, then fully light until the foot is completely lit and glowing. I then take a puff and make sure its going. Normally the second puff means i'm in business.

    But tonight I had a goddamn brilliant Hoyo NC sumatra robusto thingy. Now Ive also been using my new perfecto cutter, it cuts well, but I dont know if its just coincidence, but 70% of my smokes have had a lame draw and smoking experience since using the new cutter. Yesterday I had a god awful tugging match with a big 56 gauger, it wasn't fun (euphemisms asside ). I didnt know if the perfecto cutter was cutting the cigars too high? I normally prod my sticks with a tooth pick to ensure better flow.

    Well tonight I cut me HDM stick, and decided to use my normal lighter (clipper odorless gas lighter) that I used to use. The HDM stick had a bit of cedar and I decided to use that just for the hell of it.

    Now with my old lighter or if I choose to use cedar, I just light the flame, and rotate the stick over it until its glowing all over. But I only had a bit of cedar and it wasn't working. So I quickly lit the cedar, and just puffed the cigar into the flame, and voila it was going like a goodun. The end of the stick was on fire (which isn't a good thing in my book), and it was puffing and tasting fine.

    Now I wonder, how come I try a new (well I used to do this when I first started cigars) method of lighting, and all of a sudden I probably have one of the best smokes of 2010. Was this a coincidence? Maybe I just picked a good rolled stick outta the humi.

    Can all these months of using a turbo flame (and having a low percentage of awesome smoking experiences) be different to puffing into the flame and lighting it that way. Can a 'normal' method of lighting impact the way cigars smoke. I dont think theres anything wrong with turbo flames? Maybe puffing while trying to light makes the cigar smoke better?

    Well that was a long ramble, just got me wondering if it makes any difference? well it sure did tonight ......

  • #2
    Hard to say as I usually light my cigars similar to you, that is, with a single flame butane lighter. It's important not to have the flame come in direct contact with the cigar itself. The flame should toast the foot evenly. My guess is you just had a good cigar and your mood and palate was spot on. I find if I don't use a butane lighter, my burn will be rather uneven.

