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Band or Not...

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  • Band or Not...

    Probably been discussed before...
    My Dad always told me it was pretentious to smoke a cigar with the band on, I still have a tendency to remove as soon as...but! I do like people too see what I'm smoking (moreso when it was publically possible) because it engendered many cigar discourses with other brothers...
    I thought I'd ask after reading the match/lighter thread because I personally feel in this day & age with the advent of good jet/turbo lighters then matches would also fall into this category of pretentiousness...
    Band on Band Orf?
    Your thoughts??

  • #2
    When I very first read the cigar "rules" I always took the band off but occasionally it would damage the wrapper even when taking care after the cigar was warmed up etc...

    That was in the days when you could smoke in pubs and I always liked the look of a bandless cigar that (in my mind) implied that I smoked cigars from a 50 cab and was therefore more authentic as a REAL cigar guy?!?!? I think it was probably an imature attempt at acceptance amongst the cigar smoking community. It also gave me the opportunity to talk cigars as people generally ask what you are smoking when there is no band.

    Now, many years later, I mostly smoke for myself in the summerhouse, on my own. The band generally stays for safety reasons.

    I still prefer the look without though. These days it is more to do with some of the NC cigars that appear to have half the cigar covered with huge bands that shout "look at my brand!"
    It aint where ya from, its where ya at!


    • #3
      Off for me if possible.
      I smoke for my enjoyment, I know what I'm smoking so thats all that matters.
      Only differences are if herfing with friends so they know what I'm offering them, but I still remove asap, which brings me to the "if possible" bit, ease of removal. Sometimes it is necessary to keep the band on till heat aids removal because despite my wanting to have my cigar anonymous, I won't risk damaging the wrapper.


      • #4
        I only remove the band when it will slide off easily, i tend to leave it till near the end as i had 1 unwrap and start to explode for want of a better description.


        • #5
          in public, If it comes off easily I will remove it. If I'm smoking a really special cigar while with close buddies I might leave it on to flaunt! lol


          • #6
            I'll leave it on until the cigar is burning near the band then remove it. I seem unable to remove them early without causing wrapper damage. Smoking a cigar in public is generally so unusual now that:
            a) Nobody will recognise what I'm smoking, band or not
            b) It's the cigar that gets the attention


            • #7
              band stays on until it gets in the way


              • #8
                Band stays on. I smoke for myself, who cares if people see what I'm smoking and think I'm showing off? I'm already smoking a cigar full stop it's not exactly a discreet action anyway is it!


                • #9
                  The band stays on for me until it needs to be moved out of danger.


                  • #10
                    I leave the band on until the ash gets close to it, then take it off. I have found that if you do try to take it off too early you can damage the cigar.



                    • #11
                      If the band comes off easy when unlit I take it off. If not it stays on until the ash gets close then taken off. This way potential damage is minimised as well as interruptions to my smoking pleasure.


                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bigbarneyhotdog View Post
                        band stays on until it gets in the way


                        • #13
                          Stays on always. I could understand it being pretentious if someone just waved it here and there without it being lit, but if you don't do that then I don't see any problem with it. As for the cigar pedantic he can get lost!
                          'body smoking, cigar-ette!


                          • #14
                            I don't care if other can see the brand or not, for me its kind of a habbit.

                            If it slides off easily I usually remove it after first ashing off. if it is hard to take off, I smoke it untill pass the half mark then i will remove it anyway.

                            now i have to admit that I try my best to preseve the rings and I keep them at home in any empty box.
                            My cigar blog


                            • #15
                              I prefer the 'look' of cigars band off.

                              But, I tend to keep mine on until the cigar has warmed sufficiently for them to be slid off easily (intact) or until the burn has reached a point where the band must come off (intact, torn or however).
                              If you want to, you can.
                              And, if you can, you must!

