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Does the Cigar Band Influence Your Choice of Cigar

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  • Does the Cigar Band Influence Your Choice of Cigar

    I was just wondering if anyone else is ever or has ever been influenced in their choice of cigar purchase by the band on that particular cigar?

    Now like most people I like trying CC and NC brands that I haven't smoked before, but for some reason, whether it's me getting old (I'm 32) or I'm just set in my ways, certain cigar bands just put me right off trying that cigar.

    For example, I like the bands of Opus X, Padron 1926/1964 etc which look rich and suggest that the cigar they are wrapped around is a top quality premium cigar, without looking flash and vulgar. Additionally I also like bands like PSD2, Montecristo, Don Pepin and Tatujae, which are simple and understated, because they don't need to be anything else as they let the quality smokes they hug speak for themselves.

    However, bands like the ones below, which look almost too modern, jazzy or in your face, seem to really annoy me and make me have absolutely no intention or desire of ever trying that particualr cigar (it's kind of the same way I feel about wine in a carton), for example;

    There may be better examples than these, but you get my drift hopefully.
    "The best cigar you'll ever smoke is the one you're smoking at the minute" - Zino Davidoff

  • #2
    Interesting question. I think marketing does affect my choice. Not the bands so much but the whole branding. To this day I haven't tried a monte open because of the whole "golfing" branding even though i have a pal who really rates them now they've settled down. I also doubt I'll be trying the acid cigars any time soon.


    • #3
      I think the band is very important to compete in a cigar shop for regular customers. I think for affficianados it matters far less, or in a very different way (can anyone say gold Trinidad band?).
      Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
      Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

      Originally posted by Ryan
      I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


      • #4
        For me, no.... but when they look good it's a bonus
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        • #5
          Maybe more for someone who wants people to know that their smoking an expensive brand, but for me a definite no.
          The look/colour/construction of the cigar will get me every time.

          Mind you, the design of cigar bands could be a whole new thread, what people think are good and bad etc.....
          Exploring the world - one smoke at a time.


          • #6
            Well, I would say that I avoid cigars/brands with very modern/fancy/colourful/etc bands (like the three displayed above). On the other hand I can't say I would purchase a cigar just beacuse I liked the band. Classic bands, like the red-white-gold bands of H.Upmann, RyJ, Partag?s and the likes are very nice, and I also think that Davidoff and the Dutch De Olifant cigars has very classy ones, in white and gold.

            The absolute worst is the bands (and other commercial depictions) of the Gurkha brand, I can't see any similarities with a proper gurkha soldier of UK or India. Those bands are a disgrace to such a fine military force! Sorry, got a bit heated there...


            • #7
              Being a bit of a newbie and not having a massive budget to spend on cigars I tend to be swayed greatly by other's reviews on cigars. Although looking at those monstrosities of bands above, I think i'd be more likely to buy a cigar with a more understated band.


              • #8
                I think the best thing about the Opus X is the cigar band as the cigars themselves are awful...
                Love Life - Love Cigars


                • #9
                  Really Dale, never heard them described as awful before, possible not worth the price tags in some places, although it has been a couple of years since my last one, I've had eight in the humidor for sometime, just always seem to choose something else.

                  Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
                  I think the best thing about the Opus X is the cigar band as the cigars themselves are awful...
                  "The best cigar you'll ever smoke is the one you're smoking at the minute" - Zino Davidoff


                  • #10
                    I'm an old cynic at heart and feel that if the band is over the top, it's because the ciar needs a helping hand. Now, there's no accounting for taste, but I tend to find that the best CCs tend to have quite understated bands.
                    No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                    No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                    CS Parnell


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by celsis View Post
                      I'm an old cynic at heart and feel that if the band is over the top, it's because the ciar needs a helping hand. Now, there's no accounting for taste, but I tend to find that the best CCs tend to have quite understated bands.
                      I have to agree, if the band is really snazzy and eye catching it just leads me to believe it's a tacky band and the cigar is probably cheap and nasty. Cuban bands in my experience tend to be very low key and let the cigar do the talking, I have never purchased a cigar because the band looked good nor would I.
                      FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS SMOKE NC'S!


                      • #12
                        I collect the cigar bands of all the different cigars I've smoked and stick them in a book (don't know if I should be admiting that). So if it came down to me having the choice of 2 cigars of the same size, that I knew nothing about I would proberly pick the one with the most unusual band.
                        Ron White Quotes
                        I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
                        Ron White


                        • #13
                          I go along with Celsis on this one , though when smoking i like to study the bands and prefer the CC's to the NC's.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by celsis View Post
                            I'm an old cynic at heart and feel that if the band is over the top, it's because the ciar needs a helping hand. Now, there's no accounting for taste, but I tend to find that the best CCs tend to have quite understated bands.
                            Agree 100%. You cant buff a turd and a flashy garish band makes me suspicious..


                            • #15
                              My favourite cigars are in cabs without bands.
                              What would Lemmy do?

