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Vomit flavoured 'Jelly Beans'! WTF?

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  • Vomit flavoured 'Jelly Beans'! WTF?

    A cautionary tale of warning my 'Brothers'.

    So, there I am, hiding out in 'me' bomb-proof bunker when another (unidentified) shell comes whistling down from the skies, landing with a loud 'Crump' and leaving a parcel shaped indentation on my (well manicured) lawn.

    "Jesus, these BOTL are even more vindictive and perverse than the last ones who attacked me!" Says I upon opening the box and examining its strange (and frankly... alarming) contents.

    Now, don't get me wrong I 'loves' the Cigars (Oh boy yes!), especially the large Chocolate one (Just need to find me a 'Marianne Faithfull' type to enjoy that with - wink, wink), but as for the chocolate covered sardines??? Are you serious?

    But it gets worse there are 'Jelly Beans', unspeakable 'jelly beans', 'jelly beans' that are: Vomit, Canned Dog food and Rotten egg flavours. . . now, I asks yer, that's just plain evil ain't it?

    I suspect 'foul' play is at work here.
    I'll not rest till the perpetrators of this outrage have been tracked down and their villainy exposed.
    (The first one to 'squeal' on the others will be spared - best be quick - just ask yourself this question, "Can I trust . . ? not to 'grass' me up to save themselves?" If the answer is 'No', you know what must be done.)

    Adieu (for now) mon ami(s)!

    The 'vengeful' and patient Cat!
    Attached Files
    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.

  • #2
    ROTFLMAO. Nice post Cat. Funny as hell.

    P.S> Please excuse me if I dont comment on anything french at the moment.
    What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)


    • #3
      Was the chess set included in the treat?


      • #4
        ah oui monsieur Cat,
        je crois que vous avez eu une attaque sublime d'une autre frere de la feuille(BOTL).
        Bonne chance avec votre revanche!!!
        That's a sweet bombing my friend
        why do men have nipples?


        • #5
          Oui, et le pisspot ingrat ne r?alisent m?me pas que les sardines sont Michel Cluizel et ? peu pr?s aussi bien comme elles viennent. Mais alors, il est seulement un chat borgne!
          If you want to, you can.
          And, if you can, you must!


          • #6
            Originally posted by tippexx View Post
            Oui, et le pisspot ingrat ne r?alisent m?me pas que les sardines sont Michel Cluizel et ? peu pr?s aussi bien comme elles viennent. Mais alors, il est seulement un chat borgne!
            "et le pisspot ingrat"?

            If that means what I think it means. . .

            Damn, I never was any bloody good at French.
            I asks ya, wot was the bleedin' point of beating the little buggers at Agincourt if we end up havin' to learn their lingo?

            English please, and no more of this obscure, foreign tripe.

            I did go out with a French girl once, an au pair (fnarr, fnarr), lovely she was. Fabulous accent, but the only thing she ever taught me about her language was how to say 'sh1t' like a french sailor.

            Love saying that, but it doesn't help when trying to get served in a upmarket Parisian restaurant.
            Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
            Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


            • #7

              Good post El Cat...

              Cheers, HabanoSy


              • #8
                Haha nicely done chaps... As for the french language... my oh my it made no sense to me at all..

