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Barcelona in October

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  • Barcelona in October

    I am heading to Barcelona for a few days post getting married on 6th October - I had read somewhere that there were 2 decent tobacco shops in the main city area (My hotel is just off the Playa de Catalunya/ Las Ramblas - does anyone have any recommendations for picking up sticks in the city - I intend to smoke when I am there and if there was the chance to bring some bits back I might.

    But given the crap pound at the moment not sure if there is going to be any 'saving' buying there compared to here.

    thanks in advance


  • #2
    Gimeno and Duaso are the best in my experience.

    The savings are huge compared to the UK.


    • #3
      As above, if looking for boxes ask to go downstairs in Gimeno prices are government set, your looking at 12 euro for a D4 which is still 25% cheaper than the UK


      • #4
        If you have a day to waste you are only 2 hours from Andorra, the've got better prices than Spain. You can bring 50 Cigars per person into Spain. I always make the trip if I'm in the Barcelona area. Rental cars are pretty cheap, Bus and Train tickets are about ?25. I always buy here: The Humidor is chock full and he has some nice vintage stuff as well. There is another large Cigar shop there also but I don't personally know what the selection is like as I've never been in.
        A Cigar is the only phallic shaped object you can put in your mouth and look even manlier.


        • #5
          Thanks for the tips on this - I will look into the the 2 shops mentioned.

          As much fun as a road trip out into the mountains would be, I don't think I could quite blag that with the new wife! But certainly worthwhile remembering for future trips!

          I must confess to having not actually bought a box of sticks yet - I am yet to own a proper humidor, I have a humibag currently for my small stash. Also as I am still smoking my way through things and finding what I really like and what I don't I was hoping to pick up some singles out there to try and then anything I like might pick a few up to bring home.

          I haven't ventured into the 'stronger' stuff yet, not had any monte's or cohibas, no paratags or diplomatico's - I was of the understanding these brands produce more robust stronger smokes.


          • #6
            Don't be worried by the supposedly "stronger" sticks, I instantly gravitated towards Bolivar, Ramon Allones and Partagas and didn't enjoyed the Epi 2 that many love.

            Use the cheap prices as an excuse to try a varied selection, your tastebuds might just surprise you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Budgie Smuggler View Post
              Don't be worried by the supposedly "stronger" sticks, I instantly gravitated towards Bolivar, Ramon Allones and Partagas...
              That was my experience too; the first Partagas I tried hit quite hard, but since then the stronger ones (especially Bolivar Belicosos Finos, for example) have become go-tos, especially after a meal.


              • #8
                If you're worried about strength the Partagas Anejados would be a good introduction to the marca, probably about 15 euros
                'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                • #9
                  If you keep posting and get PM's then if you bought a box that you didn't get on with you could always trade them - either sell or swap. Depending how long you are there for, you could get a few singles and smoke them and if you like one in particular bring back a box. I'm a relative newbie, and found the lady in Duaso very helpful despite my lack of Spanish and her lack of English. She went through several boxes to find one that she thought was a good one for me.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Budgie Smuggler View Post
                    Don't be worried by the supposedly "stronger" sticks, I instantly gravitated towards Bolivar, Ramon Allones and Partagas and didn't enjoyed the Epi 2 that many love.

                    Use the cheap prices as an excuse to try a varied selection, your tastebuds might just surprise you.
                    That was kinda my plan, I had a look on the official website for the pricing and there really is some price difference on some things, I will pick some sticks i've never had, so open to ideas for Partagas, Ramon Allones, Bolivar, Diplomaticos etc - see what I like and maybe pick up a box or two to bring back.

                    Looking at some of the prices if I can get hold of sticks like the MC Dantes and the BHK's i'd be quids in compared to buying them here but not holding out for anything like that!

                    As was also mentioned once I have PM's should I end up with sticks I am not a fan of i'd happily swap or sell on to people on here.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mrnutt View Post
                      open to ideas for Partagas, Ramon Allones, Bolivar, Diplomaticos etc
                      Partagas - D4, P2, Shorts

                      Ramon Allones - RASS, RASCC

                      Bolivar - Belicosos Finos, Royal Coronas, Petit Coronas

                      Diplomaticos - Have never seen them while in Barcelona


                      Fonseca - Delicias

                      H Upmann - Mag 36

                      Por Larranaga - Petit Coronas, Picadores

                      San Luis Rey - Tesoro

                      San Cristobal de La Habana - El Principe

                      Sancho Panza - Non Plus

                      Trinidad - Reyes, Coloniales

                      All of the above were in plentiful supply when I was there in August, just be aware that you'll be hard pushed to find aged stock.

