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100 years since WWI.

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  • 100 years since WWI.

    I just wanted to take a minute to think about those who fought and died (regardless of nationality) in this conflict. Truly it was the beginning of a different type of war.

    My great grandfather fought and I had the privilege of knowing him till I was 12. He rarely spoke of it but he did loose his hearing during a grenade attack.

    Just take a minute to think about these men who fought blindly because their country told them to.

  • #2
    If I wasn't working my lights would be going off at 10pm tonight, my wife doesn't understand it.
    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


    • #3
      Respect to all veterans; shame wars are still going on 100 years down the line and with heaps of technological advancements though.

      Still I don't deny the honour of men who fought for us during the WW's to save our liberty today.


      • #4
        I agree.

        Had this on my playlist recently, which are war related...

        Saxon: Broken Heroes
        and also this
        Saxon: The Thin Red Line


        • #5
          Originally posted by Habana-Habanos View Post
          Respect to all veterans; shame wars are still going on 100 years down the line and with heaps of technological advancements though.
          Can't remember who said it but Man is never more ingenious than in devising ways to kill his fellows
          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


          • #6
            Agree, a moments thought for every man and women involved regardless of race, gender or creed. Most where boys who did what they where told.

            Still sad to see these things are happening but it's human nature. Or inhumane nature some may say.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Edamski View Post
              Agree, a moments thought for every man and women involved regardless of race, gender or creed. Most where boys who did what they where told.
              Lions led by donkeys
              'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


              • #8
                I have a howitzer shell which was made into an amazing little storage jar by someone fighting in ww2. When I look at it/handle it I always have a few moments of reflection. It would also make a great cigar jar!
                Respect to all that have fought or lost their lives for their countries. Here's the trench art item:


                • #9
                  Never to be forgotten.


                  • #10
                    Does put life into perspective


                    • #11
                      Westminster is in darkness except for the face of Big Ben
                      'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                      • #12
                        dad was royal canadian navy '44 to '46 ... (he lied about his age and joined when he was 16) . then royal canadian air force '51 to '71 .

                        for me ... every day is remmemberance day .

                        tourists bring home souvenirs ... explorers bring home stories .


                        • #13
                          My grandfather did the same and joined up at 15, of course there was nothing on the telly, no video games etc etc
                          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                          • #14
                            That was after he hitched from Stirling to London
                            'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                            • #15
                              Both of my grandfathers served, were injured & survived WWI. My maternal grandfather was a regularthing we know for sure is XIV King's Hussars, the regiment that towcannons with horses, still used to fire salutes in Hyde Park etc. He stayed on in Germany after the war as part of the occupation army, whilst Germany was rebuilt.
                              When left the army used his saved up pay to buy a farm in Essex, where I used to spend my summers, fishing &'helping out.' When pushed all he would talk about the horses he trained & showed me the photos of the horses & his mates.

                              When he retired he went on many holidays to Germany, he respected the Germans & thought little the French (well I couldn't hold that against him) & his opinion of our American cousins, was that after being late for the last two WW wars, there were particularly keen on being very prompt for the next. As he had them for twenty yes at the end of his fields , at RAF Whethersfield, he had plenty of time to judge them as they flew in Starfighters Barely 100' above his farmhouse, shaking the timbers a dozen times a day.

                              Interesting to speculate other outcomes if we hadn't gone to war, as in the DM today but the only thing we can be sure of is that they all served so we would have a better life.
                              Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.

