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  • Well spotted Ross. I once received a cheque form a member I had dealt with awhile, address to Snr Bolivar & was surprised when I returned it as the bank weren't going to accept it, he thought it was my real name too! So you're not alone Tommy
    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


    • Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
      Well spotted Ross. I once received a cheque form a member I had dealt with awhile, address to Snr Bolivar & was surprised when I returned it as the bank weren't going to accept it, he thought it was my real name too! So you're not alone Tommy

      Aw man I had actually been trying to push this one since I found I was in the same boat as Tommy. I wonder just how people thought it was your name before you put that on the open forum?


      • I also assumed that was your name
        Last edited by Scott; 05-12-2014, 12:36 PM.


        • I knew it wasn't your name, I thought you had used your real first name followed by your favourite cigar brand. As I use Tappy I've never seen your signature but I did a Google and found that SB was this liberator chap and realised that was where the avatar name came from.


          • at least you can always find Simon Bolivar for a herf, just head to Belgrave Square

            I have a picture somewhere with me and a Bolivar with Bolivar


            • Ok after Mo's comment on Edo I decided to take one for the team and buy a box of these fake Siglo VI. They arrived today and on first glance they're definitely not Cohiba. I bought them with the idea that if they are nice I can take the bands off and I have a box of custom rolls.
              How did my plan work out???

              They smell incredibly good!!


              Like I say, minus the bands Id be happy with one of these any time at ?4.20 each for a nice big Cuban cigar. Of course the truth will be in the smoking but they smell lovely. In fact I've had some genuine Cubans lately that don't smell half as good.

              I also bought a decanter of whisky commemorating the Queen Mothers 90'th. The decanter was broken but the liquor intact and I got it for ?40. It's a 25 year old speyside with a sherry finish. I decanted it into another bottle and tasted it. At first I thought it was sherry because it has such a strong sherry finish and viscous texture. It's a beautiful whisky, the best I've tried to date and I feel I got a bargain.

              So a good day on eBay


              • They look a whole lot better than my Esplendidos!
                Last edited by PeeJay; 05-12-2014, 02:42 PM.
                'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                • Not that bad of buy then mate. So what the bloody hell is simons name i always thought it was simon and he loved bolivars so hence the name


                  • Originally posted by Sean View Post
                    Not that bad of buy then mate. So what the bloody hell is simons name i always thought it was simon and he loved bolivars so hence the name

                    An idea for your next completion maybe, Who is Simon Bolivar?


                    • Originally posted by tommy View Post
                      Ok after Mo's comment on Edo I decided to take one for the team and buy a box of these fake Siglo VI. They arrived today and on first glance they're definitely not Cohiba. I bought them with the idea that if they are nice I can take the bands off and I have a box of custom rolls.
                      How did my plan work out???

                      They smell incredibly good!!


                      Like I say, minus the bands Id be happy with one of these any time at ?4.20 each for a nice big Cuban cigar. Of course the truth will be in the smoking but they smell lovely. In fact I've had some genuine Cubans lately that don't smell half as good.

                      I also bought a decanter of whisky commemorating the Queen Mothers 90'th. The decanter was broken but the liquor intact and I got it for ?40. It's a 25 year old speyside with a sherry finish. I decanted it into another bottle and tasted it. At first I thought it was sherry because it has such a strong sherry finish and viscous texture. It's a beautiful whisky, the best I've tried to date and I feel I got a bargain.

                      So a good day on eBay

                      They would have fooled me


                      • Not in person I do t think Wiggy, they are clearly not legit. I've taken all the bands off and checked them for signs of the dreaded beetle. Popped them back in the fake Cohiba cab loose but was a bit freaked out to find that 25 cigars fit in a cab when tied in a ribbon but when stacked in rows of six there's one that won't fit! Screwed my mind up that.
                        I think they're going to work out great for work cigars.
                        I'm having a large glass of the whisky now, quite simply delicious! It's all sherry and wood with a sweetness that isn't cloying at all. I'd have to say it's the best I've tried to date. Love it and only ?40!


                        • Originally posted by tommy View Post
                          Not in person I do t think Wiggy, they are clearly not legit. I've taken all the bands off and checked them for signs of the dreaded beetle. Popped them back in the fake Cohiba cab loose but was a bit freaked out to find that 25 cigars fit in a cab when tied in a ribbon but when stacked in rows of six there's one that won't fit! Screwed my mind up that.
                          I think they're going to work out great for work cigars.
                          I'm having a large glass of the whisky now, quite simply delicious! It's all sherry and wood with a sweetness that isn't cloying at all. I'd have to say it's the best I've tried to date. Love it and only ?40!

                          I have almost no experience with Cohiba so maybe would get past me. Think I am going to try and pair up some whiskey and cigars over xmas holidays. If what you got goes good with a whisky, or at least think it will then shout it out. That goes for everyone actually. Hhmm new thread.....


                          • RyJ #2 tubos anyone?

                            'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                            • 65 not to bad of price?


                              • Originally posted by dmacleod28 View Post
                                65 not to bad of price?
                                About the same as Spain so not bad at all
                                'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'

