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Lose 3 stone in 8 weeks diet plan

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  • Lose 3 stone in 8 weeks diet plan

    Try this for a month if your over-weight and fancy a bash at a diet.
    There is no treadmills or training involved.

    Iv'e lost just over 3 stone in 8 weeks through my new diet plan.
    Now, my weight always go's up and down throught out the year, but I have gone from nearly 18 stone to nearly 15 stone this time and its easy !

    If anyone interested in losing a bit of timber but still want to enjoy there grub, well do this;

    Skip breakfast.
    Something light about 12-ish, ie, salad sandwhich.
    A normal dinner around 5-ish.
    Skip supper.

    Treat days, eat what you like within reason.

    This diet has worked for me and is still working, I'm skinny again.
    If anyone does try it, tell me how much you have lost after a month.

    From this; to this.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I could do with folowing that diet as a longtime lard-carrier.
    Although I've lost loads recently without trying.
    My trousers keep dropping off in corridors.

    I drink far too much Coca Cola. It's very addictive.
    I was told by some doctors recently not to put so much caffeine through my system as it has been causing problems.

    I have to say I would miss breakfast by your diet.

    Bolivars definitely keep me off the nosh. A great side-effect to the great sex.

    Congratulations on your slimmer YOU.


    • #3
      Nice work Mr Moore. It's good to see the diet is working for you. I have to watch my weight; being one of those computer types I spend a lot of my day sitting down. However recently I got my treadmill sorted out so that's behind where I'm sitting now.

      So when I feel pretty bored, I pump up the RAWK and go for a little run for 40 - 50 mins. Good stress relief. Fun times.


      • #4
        Thanks chaps, I knew the "skipping breakfast" would be the big no-no, its supposed to be the main meal I think.
        It worked for me and I still eat like a swine on the weekends.


        • #5
          From the land of OZ and CIGARS U look marvelous darling !
          Mick I have never and I meen never eaten breakfast on a schedule !
          Maybe once a week if im lucky. My weight has been 178,185 for years.
          Now keep up the good work or I'll Bitch slap U ! LMFAO


          • #6
            I boozed up on SlimFast and lost a stone in a week once.
            It all tasted like iron filings with a banana hint for luck.

            It's a problem when you are out late in local showbiz.

            You learn where Marks and Spencer petrol stations are and go in specifically for tubs of 50 mini cocktail sausages, tea cakes and 1 litre bottles of honey and vanilla smoothie which you knock back at speed in country lanes to loud System Of A Down. When you are done at about 01:45, you start on a fine Havana.

            I often eat shit on gig days.


            • #7
              Nice work. Just dropped a few pounds myself, need to drop a few more and then tone. But it's probable that won't happen!


              • #8
                That's a hell of a regimen MM but it looks like it definitely works. I can see a huge difference in the before/after shots


                • #9
                  is it me or is the 2nd photo the taa-daa pose, could have done with a drum roll prior to it .
                  I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by skyhigh View Post
                    is it me or is the 2nd photo the taa-daa pose, could have done with a drum roll prior to it .
                    Could have done with a drum roll prior to the 1st photo, it ended with a crash!!
                    Free the UKCF one


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
                      Could have done with a drum roll prior to the 1st photo, it ended with a crash!!
                      OUCH!!!! Glad we're laughing about it now...or are we?


                      • #12
                        Its still going on stevie with Mark and the crash and all that, unreal.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
                          Its still going on stevie with Mark and the crash and all that, unreal.
                          Bloody hell.I thought that would be done and dusted by now Poor bugger

