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  • Thunderstorms


    Two sweltering days followed by the most dramatic thunder and lightening.
    That was South-East Kent last night, and Facebook is full of gay references to it.

    We unplugged the TV/receiver stuff, and all the PC/laptop stuff, and sat here in a horror movie.

    Love it.

    But is that the thing to do?
    If they had been left in, would they have exploded?

    It's taken me four days to locate and wash my special shorts for a band gig near Brighton today and now they're all soaked on the line. I'll have to put them in the tumble dryer and stand and hold it til 3 o'clock.

  • #2
    I love sitting out on my porch and smokin a stoogie while watching dramatic thunder and lightening. Mans best friend on the other hand run to the basement. To me its the Big Guys firework display. As far as your electronics; better safe then sorry.
    Your insurance would probably cover the losses but then U would be down and the forum would suffer a great loss till U got back up and posting . Just my humble O.
    Enjoy your weekend and for god sake leave some of those CC for me


    • #3
      Unfortunately I've yet to find a surge protector for the TV aerial...

      None-the-less... thunder sounds awesome and lightning looks great. Even better if relatives are round, because they provide even more entertainment (as thunderstorms scare the bejeebers out of them all ).

      Isn't this just gorgeous though?

      My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
      My Company:
      Siparium Sporting


      • #4
        Love a good thunderstorm. Never seen anything like the ones I used to see in Florida though. The strikes would literally stay in the sky for seconds, and you could watch them branch out in slow motion. Mad.

        Last night was good fun. Love it.


        • #5
          Thats a great pic Simon - looks awesome.

          I only remember seeing lightning like that once before and that was many, many years ago...

          Cheers, HabanoSy


          • #6
            Originally posted by Deano View Post
            Love a good thunderstorm. Never seen anything like the ones I used to see in Florida though. The strikes would literally stay in the sky for seconds, and you could watch them branch out in slow motion. Mad.

            Last night was good fun. Love it.
            I used to live on St Simon's Island in Georgia and one night I was driving back to the island from Jax and there was an amazing electrical storm. I stopped the car to get out and take a photo and the Georgia Peach I was deflowering went mental.

            "Don't get out the car! You're only safe in the car! Are you crazy or sumfin?!"

            Rule 1, never assume that storms in the US South are like the South of Scotland.
            No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
            No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

            CS Parnell


            • #7


              • #8
                Only just been able to turn the computer on had constant storms for around 2 hours, my bulldogs been shivering at my feet bless him, havent had storms like that for a while here, they normally skirt round. I second what deano says about the storms in florida, saw some cracking ones years ago, absolutely amazing and a water spout out to sea also great views.
                sigpic"Stupid Boy".....

