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  • Other Hobbies

    As well as collecting, enjoying cigars, i thought it would be fun to see what other hobbies we Botl have.

    Over the years ive had a few, i used to collect comics (still have about 20,000 in storage) ive been an avid collector/fan of star wars since i was able to walk (i have a pretty decent collection of about 2000 pieces including lightsabers, helmets etc scaling it down at the moment) but for about 10 years ive been building and painting 1/6 scale models. Everything from fantasy to sci fi . I have a hell of a lot of pieces in my collection, mostly non finished .

    Im a member of a forum for collectors and builders. We have many many special effects artists as members ( including Rick Baker who did the effects on American werewolf in london) Some of these guys sculpt these in there spare time, cast them in resin, usually in very low numbers, and sell them to us.

    I have put a couple of crappy photos up to show you what i do, unfortunately they wash out most of the colours and details

    They basically come in between 8 and 50 pieces of tan coloured resin. I then use various techniques including airbrush, pigment shading etc etc to paint them. Each takes me about 20 hours plus of building, about 40 hours of painting, usually more on skin tones as they require upwards of 14 thin layers of colour.

    Anyway thanks for looking, lets see what you guys do

  • #2
    I collect art and limited edition vinyl toys...


    • #3
      I used to be seriously into collecting and tasting wine.

      Back in Italy I studied three years to qualify as a sommelier (yep one of those ponce wine waiters ), but was always more interested in the tasting than in the whole serving the wine to someone else part... wonder why .

      I still have a few good bottles stashed away to age, but wine collecting was even worse on your wallet than the cigar bug, so I slowed down a bit. I still love to find little known producers that make good or even excellent wine at a decent price, but it's not as easy as it was since I moved to Scotland.

      I guess that's where my obsession in taking tasting notes for new cigars I haven't tried yet comes.
      My Cigar blog: Cigar Review Rag


      • #4
        I'm an ex-comic addict. I have about 5000 or so including the first 1200 2000AD, all of ACTION and Starlord and LOADS of Vertigo stuff ie complete Hellblazer, Doom Patrol, Sandman and a near complete set of Ultimate Universe stuff.

        These days I mostly collect books: Stephen King, Philip K Dick, Irvine Welsh, F Paul Wilson, :


        • #5
          collect small great scotches of course!


          • #6
            Static modeling and reading...


            • #7
              I collect enemies! Not intentionally you understand! lol


              • #8


                • #9
                  Lovely collection Stevie - I had a signed SK book a little while ago you could have had! Never mind.

                  I spotted the Iain Banks section. I have all of his stuff. If you haven't read The Algebraist you should give it a go, I loved it.


                  • #10

                    Cheers, HabanoSy


                    • #11
                      Lead toy soldiers.
                      If you want to, you can.
                      And, if you can, you must!


                      • #12
                        I collect art mostly Mckenzie thorpe paintings and i also show and breed dogs at a championship level, i have 2 Ir champions, one on the way to her Eng title(fingers crossed) and the other one has a litter due end of july.


                        • #13
                          I play Go.

                          Go is a fascinating board game that originated in China more than 4,000 years ago. It is played today by millions of people, including thousands in the United States. In Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan, it is far more popular than chess is in the West.

                          Why not give it a try:


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Robusto is a leg-end.

