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In Memoriam: The Cold Thread

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  • In Memoriam: The Cold Thread

    I'd like to start a memorial thread for any of us for whom snot temporarily stops play. In other words, for when enjoying a cigar is simply not possible because of nasal and/or guttaral clart. For when we have to go into purdah stick-wise. I think we should declare how we are going to cope.

    I'm Bryan and for two weeks I've been well clarted up. I admit to smoking an NC last Saturday with my dog but it was something of a trial and I shouldn't have done it. I am currently coping by listening to a brace of West End musicals at neighbour-bothering volume whilst zoning in through my Avatar specs on my Andy Goldsworthy grey pebbles poster which has been Blu Tack'd to my smoke shack wall. Snorting my rammed seven drawers is futile. I'm getting no Cuban whiff whatsoever. It's an emotional multi-storey car park, in summary, but I feel if you think of my pebbles I might just get through the lay-off.

    Please feel free to appeal for support and babble out a slice of your life history if your cigars are taken from you by nature's stupid nostril cementing.

  • #2
    I'm Chris, and although having this far not suffered with this restrictive affliction, I know some who has. Empathy, deeep empathy going out.
    "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


    • #3
      I'm Nic and I thought I had buggered up my long planned meetings and smoking day yesterday by standing in the freezing cold for 5 hours watching my son play rugby.
      To top it all after about 10 minutes with my nose running like the River Severn I discovered that I had one small sodden tissue to last me the rest of the day.

      Anyhow, I resorted to the Echinacea and was right as rain on Monday and had a memorable cigar day!
      Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


      • #4
        I'm steve and don't have any nasal blockages. My partner, however, has no sense of smell. Great when you have a good curry not so good when i forget and say something smells nice. she thinks i'm taking the piss.


        • #5
          Im Steve aka Eggie... i never get colds coz my body has become immune given i always ride my motorbike in freezing temps... 'suggestion' everyone buy a motorbike and beat the dreaded nasties..


          • #6
            I'm george and I live in freakin' Florida specifically so that I never, ever have to endure the "will my snot freeze before it hits the ground" issue again. I suffer for you clotted up BOTL's and feel your pain as I stroll out to my well-appointed and comfortable back porch with my favorite libation and a select stogie, punch up the iPod and settle down for a lurvely evening's smoke. By the by, did I mention that I'm also devilishly handsome?


            • #7
              I don't like being cold, but colds, coughs and flus don't seem bother me much. One the other hand I've had pneumonia twice, so if I catch anything I get it 'full-on'. Last time I gave up smoking for nearly six months. For my pocket's sake maybe I should contract another bout and give-up forever!
              If you want to, you can.
              And, if you can, you must!


              • #8
                In our household, each of us seems to come down with a really bad cold for about a month. They never ever go in three or four days, these bugs. I hate that thing when you are talking - which I have to do a lot in my job - and the mucus shifts and makes you sound like a complete prat mid-sentence. I want to hoik but modesty prevents.

