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  • Unemployeement

    The rate in the USA is on the rise but our government tells us its ok. How does it effect the folks in the UK and other countries ? I know here most of our B/SOTL have to settle for less or no cigars at all .
    Whats your thoughts ?

    Cigar smokers ! Money to burn

  • #2
    Lots of cuts in public spending and the general recession are hitting hard here in the UK. I have worked in adult education for over 20 years now and there are real chances of being made redundant within the next 12 months. God only knows what I will do then as there are very few jobs available to the over 50's


    • #3
      Unemployment in the UK is on the rise.. The British Government have this uncanny knack of fiddling the statistics to give a true reflection, for example, if you sign on with an agency and get just a days work from them, your immediatly classed as employed..

      I work in the Ciminal Justice industry and you would think that in my occupation even i would be safe, but government cuts means that even people in my job are facing redundancy on a daily basis.. for example, in Humberside late last year they made 50 probation staff redundant almost 65 percent of them were front line staff supervising offenders in the community, some of them dangerours offenders too. That means quality of work goes down due to over worked staff and excessive paperwork. In turn this increases the risks of an FSO being committed (Further serious offence).

      The sooner the government changes in my opinion the better.. Its all good and well the government saying there always broke, but they should invest the countries money in its own people before looking at sending money that they never get back to the poverty stricken countries.. (sorry personal view) once the UK is back up to financial strength, then maybe and only maybe should they look to help out other less fortunate countries.

      Pah unemploment sucks..


      • #4
        Definitely on the rise and also fewer people taking on staff.
        I was made redundant over a year ago and still not managed to get fixed up. Age not helping I suppose. Have done bit of voluntary work in local nursing home to help out but desperate to get back to full time paid employment. The current economic situation not helping and my view that government spending cuts will be far greater than any of them ad,itting to will not improve my prospects I'm afraid.


        • #5
          A lot my my friends are out of work, its realy hard for guys my age to get employed now.
          I say it serves em right for dossing at uni and collage all this time, god damm students...
          Direct from the House of Cigarsmoke
          Smoke em if you got em!


          • #6
            For at least the last five years, I have had to go through redundancy procedures with all the staff in the school where I work. It has become an inevitable ritual. We've just been warned by email that massive cuts are coming in the next year's budget, and that's even before the election.

            Most staff reductions have happened because of people taking early retirement, but that will eventually have run its course.

            There is a definite rank system to subjects in the secondary eductaion system, so staff who teach English, Maths and Science are seen as indispensible. The other subjects can be considered also-rans, and much depends on the support of the leadership team. In some schools, Arts teachers have been sacked and external agencies have been brought in to teach Drama, Dance, Music part-time. Which would be a bugger for me as those areas are my subject specialism.

            I think we'll be shafted jobs-wise by whoever gets voted in because of the economic mess we are in.

            I am totally fed up with retirement ages being extended by governments. I can go at 60, and I have plans for what I want to do which I don't want to be buggered up by ANY political administration that might wish to chain me to the grindstone.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cigar-aficionado View Post
              Lots of cuts in public spending and the general recession are hitting hard here in the UK. I have worked in adult education for over 20 years now and there are real chances of being made redundant within the next 12 months. God only knows what I will do then as there are very few jobs available to the over 50's

              I too work in adult education. It has boosted our enrollment big time too. We have been having over 13,000 students (this semester close to 14,000) per semester. Its really because so many ppl are laid off and trying to learn a new job! The government is paying not only unemployment but in most cases tuition too. Its really bad out there...we now have 12 instructors in our program when there only used to be like 5 of us. Hope it turns around soon...


              • #8
                I work in computing and have nearly 20 years experience but I'm finding it hard. I've been for interviews but I think people are looking for younger guys they can mould!

                I'm now having to smoke the cigars from my humi as my buying power has dried up. I'm just praying I can get working soon again as I can do without certain foods, but I can't do without me stogies!
                No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                CS Parnell


                • #9
                  Hang in there

                  When all seems dark and the corners of the room seem to be closing in there always seems to be a silver lining. I was off for a time and Mrs. G was out for about 1 year and the clouds opened up and things turned around. And the part about but I can't do without me stogies!
                  No man should have to endure your situation let alone do without stogies.
                  God will find a way to make this right. Weather its a job or stogies.

                  Originally posted by celsis View Post
                  I work in computing and have nearly 20 years experience but I'm finding it hard. I've been for interviews but I think people are looking for younger guys they can mould!

                  I'm now having to smoke the cigars from my humi as my buying power has dried up. I'm just praying I can get working soon again as I can do without certain foods, but I can't do without me stogies!

