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Alcohol Is The New Smoking

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  • Alcohol Is The New Smoking

    I actually heard that phrase used on Radio 4 this morning as new restrictions for booze purchases and booze consumption are being debated in Scotland with a view to being rolled out across the UK.

    I've been wittering about this for quite a while on another forum. If they "win" by evil-ising smoking, they will want to "win" with other substances.

    I'm a light drinker. I'm certainly NOT anti-drinking. I've always thought that alcohol was a bigger "evil" to society than smoking.

    I cannot believe that a sort of ultra-Conservatism lies in the wings like this. I know Education suffers from fads and re-thinks. I despair that a form of prohibition is being considered as it just seems like a big gay roundabout as far as stopping fun is concerned.

    Acute problem drinkers - and acute problem smokers - can get Health Service support. Most sensible people are able to enjoy a drink, or even get rat-arsed, in their homes or in the company of sensible mates.

    I do not do not do not like the State wiping my arse with a special cleansing rub.

  • #2
    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

    The problem with this is it will only encourage smuggling of alcohol. We've seen it with tobacco, which is why we now have beautiful great white stickers with 'UK DUTY PAID' written on them, and a bloke in the corner of most pubs asking if you want to buy some cheap fags or tobacco.

    We've seen time and time again that prohibition (or limiting of supply) of anything simply results in the black/grey market increasing, thus reducing Government revenues from taxation and the ability to control quality eg. illegal pharmaceuticals from the internet or illegal drugs or counterfeit cigarettes. It does not reduce demand for the product, even increasing it through the 'forbidden fruit' effect.

    But the Daily Mail said something must be done, and won't somebody think of the children?


    • #3
      But the Daily Mail said something must be done, and won't somebody think of the children?



      • #4
        Being an avid daily mail reader all i'm worried about is what it will do to house prices and how are eastern europeans to blame for it all.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
          Being an avid daily mail reader all i'm worried about is what it will do to house prices and how are eastern europeans to blame for it all.
          Don't get me started on house prices!
          Sorry for the derail...


          • #6

            Looks like the Nanny State is fast becomming the Nanny World with one exception...

            ...The Great State of ....well, you know.

            Give it a Google, Mates, and come join me while there's still time.

            Names TJ, TJCoro, posting from the hard to find Great State of Mind, Mexico
            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


            • #7
              I'm in a living in Mexico state of mind


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
                I'm in a living in Mexico state of mind

                Well done, Senor Moore,

                But from the look of your avatar, you're in the State of Fog

                Keep looking, mate.

                Names TJ, TJCoro
                sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
                  Being an avid daily mail reader all i'm worried about is what it will do to house prices and how are eastern europeans to blame for it all.
                  Bastardry that comes with a really nice giveaway DVD of Wendy Craig in Butterflies every bloody week.
                  Last edited by Robusto; 03-03-2009, 01:07 PM. Reason: new technologies


                  • #10
                    They'll be warning of the dangers of passive drinking next. Actually that could be construed as cost effectiveness!?!* I can just imagine catching the dribbles of mild off ol' Bert's whiskers round the boozer, mmm.
                    "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                    • #11
                      I could live without cigars, quite easily tbh. But not alcohol. A G&T after a stupidly stressful day, or a beer with the lads, or a glass of red with some beautiful aged cheese. No, I couldn't do it.


                      • #12
                        Did anyone see the [related] cartoon on the front page of the Metro today? It took a couple of seconds for me to click, but then it really made me chuckle!


                        • #13
                          I'm pretty confident the next thing will be salt and fat in food. no joke!



                          • #14
                            Think I've mentioned before.

                            Salt MUST NOT BE SEEN in our school canteen in case the kiddies go beserk.

                            We have to secrete a salt pot out to the staff table and back every day without being caught.

                            Skag peddling is a doddle compared to this.


                            • #15
                              RE: salt - that is outrageous.

                              Really, this whole thing gets me quite angry. I'm in danger of going off on one...

                              I'll leave smoking and drinking to one side for now because it's such a massive debate, but as someone who regularly goes to the gym and takes a passing interest in nutrition, food science, etc, this has become a constant bugbear of mine. I eat three or four entirely natural eggs for breakfast each day and am forever explaining to friends and family why it isn't going to clog my arteries and give me a heart attack at twenty nine. Meanwhile they're eating huge bowls of "healthy" cereals comprising refined carbohydrates, smothered in ultra-refined carbohydrates, artificially added vitamins and God-knows what other shit. No protein, no real nutritional value, basically diabetes in a bowl, but it's all okay because it's low fat.

                              And this stuff is advertised as gospel on TV! Most people will just believe whatever they're told. I really just despair.

                              And not to mention what I just read about Starbucks having launched a new, ground-breaking instant-coffee (using "hi-tech" production methods, no less) that actually tastes like fresh!

                              Oh, wait, I DID go off on one. Sorry about that.

